Back in Balance Asheville Chiropractor

Arthritis Relief and Prevention Naturally

Arthritis Pain Relief with your Asheville, NC chiropractor

Have you ever known someone to suffer with arthritis, perhaps in the hips, spine or hands?

Quiz time, arthritis that occurs in the spine is usually a type of A) osteoarthritis or B) rheumatoid arthritis? The answer: A) osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis also commonly occurs in the hips, knees and hands.

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How does osteoarthritis happen?

Osteoarthritis or OA is a breakdown of cartilage, the part of the joint that allows for easier movement. Bones now rub together. Bone spurs develop and degeneration progresses. Stiffness and pain can result. 

True or false: Arthritis is caused by aging. Answer: False. Age does add wear and tear but plenty of older folks do not have arthritis.

What causes it?​

It’s stress within the body. Arthritis in the spine is especially a problem because nerves between the vertebrae become compressed. It’s called a spinal subluxation, a condition in which a spinal segment is out of alignment with the adjacent segment. Nerves which branch off of the spinal cord no longer properly work. Why is this bad? Because nerves control the function of the entire body, meaning, serious disease can result.

How is chiropractic able to help?

Chiropractic adjustments do one thing that neither drugs nor surgery can do. They restore motions of the spinal joint. This helps relieve stiffness and pain. But more than that, chiropractic can prevent osteoarthritis from beginning at all, if chiropractic checkup again in an early age.

What’s rheumatoid arthritis?

RA is when the immune system malfunctions and attacks the body’s own unhealthy joints. That means an organ become inflamed. Joints also become warm, swollen and red with morning stiffness. Let’s play Jeopardy. Answer: It’s the body part in which the rheumatoid most commonly occur. Hint: If slipping on the ice, it’s what usually use to break your fall. The answer is a hand. Rheumatoid most commonly attack the joints of the wrists and hands.

Would an anti-inflammatory work?

Well, it might temporarily cover symptoms but it does not fix the cause. Question: Can chiropractic help rheumatoid even though it’s in the hands and not the spine? You bet. Rheumatoid is an immune system problem. The immune system is controlled by the nerves. Nerves come from the spine. Chiropractic removes spinal subluxation so the nerves regain proper function. When the nerves properly work, so can the immune system. Malfunctions responsible for RA can now possibly self-correct naturally.

Do you have a friend or loved one who suffers from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid?

Ask your chiropractor for your copy of arthritis information to pass along so that your loved one can finally find relief and live the life they’ve always imagined. You can help change someone’s life. What could feel better than that?

"Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength"

- Betty Friedan