Back in Balance Asheville Chiropractor

Digestive Enzymes: Why They Matter for Your Health

Unleashing the Power of Digestive Enzymes: Why They Matter for Your Health

Digestive enzymes are essential for our overall health, playing a crucial role in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. These enzymes are responsible for catalyzing the chemical reactions that convert food into smaller, absorbable components. Without adequate digestive enzymes, our bodies struggle to get the nutrients they need, leading to a host of digestive issues and overall health problems.

What Are Digestive Enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are proteins that facilitate the digestion of food. They are secreted by various parts of the digestive system, including the mouth, stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. Each type of enzyme targets specific nutrients:

– Amylase: Breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
– Protease: Breaks down proteins into amino acids.
– Lipase: Breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

These enzymes work synergistically to ensure that the food we eat is effectively broken down and the nutrients are efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream.

Why Are Digestive Enzymes Important?

1. Improved Nutrient Absorption:
Digestive enzymes enhance the absorption of essential nutrients. When food is not properly broken down, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies, even if you are consuming a balanced diet. Enzymes ensure that vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are available for the body to use.

2. Enhanced Digestion:
Enzymes play a pivotal role in breaking down complex food molecules into simpler forms that are easier to digest. This helps prevent common digestive problems like bloating, gas, and indigestion. A well-functioning digestive system can process food more efficiently, leading to better overall health.

3. Support for Digestive Disorders:
People with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance, and celiac disease can benefit from supplemental digestive enzymes. These enzymes can help alleviate symptoms by assisting in the digestion of problematic foods that might otherwise trigger discomfort.

4. Energy Production:
Proper digestion is essential for the production of energy. Enzymes help convert food into energy, ensuring that your body has the fuel it needs to function optimally. Without adequate enzyme activity, you may feel fatigued and sluggish.

5. Immune System Support:
A significant portion of the immune system resides in the gut. By ensuring proper digestion and nutrient absorption, enzymes help maintain a healthy gut environment, which in turn supports immune function. A healthy gut is a cornerstone of a robust immune system.

 Zypan: Enhancing Digestive Health

To support your digestive health, we recommend our product of the month: Zypan. Zypan® combines pancreatin, pepsin, and betaine hydrochloride to facilitate healthy digestion*.

Key Benefits of Zypan:

– Supports Macronutrient Digestion:
Zypan® provides enzymatic support to help break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, ensuring that your body can absorb these essential nutrients effectively.

– Maintains Proper Gastric pH:
Hydrochloric acid in Zypan® helps maintain the proper pH in the stomach, which is crucial for the optimal function of digestive enzymes and the overall digestive process.

– Targeted Digestion:
The inclusion of stearic acid in Zypan® helps coat the pancreatin, ensuring it is digested in the correct area of the digestive tract. This targeted approach maximizes the effectiveness of the enzymes.

– Supports Protein Digestion:
With the combination of pancreatin and pepsin, Zypan® provides robust enzymatic support for breaking down proteins into amino acids, facilitating their absorption and utilization in the body.

– Supports the Digestive Environment:
Zypan® supports a healthy digestive environment within the GI tract, promoting optimal digestion and overall gut health.

How to Support Your Digestive Enzyme Levels

1. Eat Enzyme-Rich Foods:
Include foods that naturally contain digestive enzymes in your diet. These include pineapple (bromelain), papaya (papain), mango, honey, bananas, avocados, kefir, and sauerkraut. These foods can enhance your body’s enzyme levels and improve digestion.

2. Consider Enzyme Supplements:
For those with chronic digestive issues or enzyme deficiencies, enzyme supplements like Zypan® can be a helpful addition. These supplements are designed to support the body’s natural enzyme production and assist in the digestion of various nutrients.

3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:
Regular exercise, adequate hydration, and stress management are crucial for overall digestive health. A balanced lifestyle can help maintain optimal enzyme levels and improve digestion.

4. Chew Your Food Thoroughly:
Digestion begins in the mouth. Chewing food thoroughly breaks it down into smaller pieces and mixes it with saliva, which contains digestive enzymes. This process kickstarts digestion and makes it easier for the rest of the digestive system to do its job.


Digestive enzymes are vital for optimal health and well-being. They ensure that our bodies can effectively break down and absorb the nutrients from the food we eat, supporting everything from energy production to immune function. By incorporating enzyme-rich foods, considering supplements like Zypan®, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can support your digestive system and promote better overall health.

At Back in Balance, we believe in the power of natural solutions to enhance your health. This month, we’re focusing on digestion and offering promotions on digestive aids like Zypan®. Join us for our Facebook Live event on August 27 at 5:30 pm to learn more about detoxing and improving your digestive health. For every referral you send in this month, you’ll receive a free bottle of Zypan®. Let’s dive into better digestion together! 🌟


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