Back in Balance Asheville Chiropractor

Chiropractor Asheville – Starve Mold Out of Your Body

Forget Antibiotics, Steroids, and Medications

Starve Mold Out of Your Body!

Gotta love the mold we have in the air here in Asheville!  Have you ever wondered if mold grows inside of your body like it grows everywhere else?  The answer is YES.  And some of the foods you are eating add to this problem and contribute to symptoms that you experience like fatigue, poor digestion, and low energy.  If you think you may have a mold issue in your body, check this video out.  I will explain the foods you will want to avoid to STARVE THAT MOLD OUT of YOUR BODY!

For more information, call our office.  Let us help you with your diet and cleansing needs.

Call 828-274-9799 to set up an appointment.