The Union of Intelligence and Matter

Welcome back to week 3! Today we will be discussing the third principle of chiropractic, The Union of Intelligence and Matter.
Within ALL living things exists both Intelligence and matter. Without physical matter, nothing would exist, because atoms are the building blocks of everything! Intelligence organizes these atoms into things, and then “lives” in these things, continually giving them life.
If you’ve ever played with a slinky, you’ll notice that the “life” of a Slinky is achieved by combining two things: first, the physical matter of the Slinky itself. Second, the “Intelligence” of the Slinky- as revealed in its design- which allows the Slinky to “walk” down the steps.
The life of YOU is achieved by combining two things: first, the physical matter of your body. Second, your Innate Intelligence, which expresses itself through your body via your nervous system, giving you life. Your nervous system must be fully functional to support the full expression of your Intelligence!
Stay tuned for next week’s episode!
In case you missed it, episode 2 can be found HERE!