‘sToday, let’s talk about GUT HEALTH!

Researchers studying the human microbiome recently found the human gut has over 140,000 different virus species living with your gut bacteria.
Thankfully, not all viruses are harmful. Many are healthful, and represent an integral component of the gut ecosystem.
Most of the viruses found have DNA as their genetic material, which is different from the RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 or Zika.
Scientific evidence confirms your gut’s microbiome is vital to your immune system, thus playing a key role in your health and disease prevention.
A few ways to positively impact your microbiome include:
1. Avoid Processed, and ultra-processed foods and foods high in sugar.
These foods have a significant impact on your gut microbiome, leading to inflammation, weight gain, cancer and cardiovascular risk.
2. Eat fermented foods.
Fermented vegetables are high in fiber, helping to feed your beneficial bacteria.
3. Get your vitamin D from sun exposure and supplements.
Research supports sun exposure and vitamin D supplements improve the diversity of your gut bacteria.
Improve your overall health with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, a positive attitude, and regular chiropractic care.
Remember your best source for everything health is your chiropractor.
For more information, click on the research link HERE
About Us
Asheville Chiropractors Dr. Nicole Lindsey and Dr. Bryan Gennett specialize in natural health care and spinal correction. The Doctors take the whole body approach when treating patient’s and help you discover the cause of your health problems. Dr. Nicole and Dr. Bryan help many people with gluten and gut disorders and will guide you back into balance with the use of chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, vitamins, weight loss and nutritional advice.
To learn more contact us at:
Dr. Nicole Lindsey
Back In Balance
1089 Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803