The Bottom Tan Line about Natural Sunscreen

Sunscreen is important for filtering out harmful UV radiation, protecting you from skin cancer, sunburn, and premature aging. Skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer, effecting 1 in 5 Americans. Wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen can be a huge factor in prevention.
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1 cup shea butter
- 2(or more) Tbsp. powdered zinc oxide
- 1/4 cup pure aloe vera gel (50% or greater)
- 25 drops walnut extract oil for scent and SPF boost
1) Mix all ingredients except zinc oxide and aloe in medium saucepan, allowing the shea butter and oils to mix together.
2) Let cool, then stir in the aloe vera gel.
3) Allow mixture to completely cool before adding the zinc oxide, then it mix all together and voila!
Make sure you are wearing a 30 SPF and applying liberally every 2 hours whenever you go outside. If you don’t have sunscreen on you, wear protective clothing and seek shade, avoiding sunlight during the peak hours of 10am-2pm. This homemade sunscreen is not waterproof and will need to be reapplied every two hours.
If you own or are planning on buying sunscreen, look at the ingredient list and try to avoid para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), trolamine salicylate, oxtinoxate, and octisalate!
What Makes Sunscreen Effective?
- SPF level=Sun Protection Factor=UVB protection(30 SPF)-mount of time it would take you to get a sunburn if you weren’t wearing sunblock, blocking UVB, not UVA
- Broad Spectrum=Protects from UVA, which causes skin damage and wrinkles, and UVB, the type of radiation that causes a sunburn. Both types of radiation can contribute to the risk of skin cancer.
Natural sunscreen that doesn’t contain chemical sun protection factor.
Free of parabens, oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, and homosalate.
Most natural sunscreens use ingredients from plants to coat the skin+reflect UV rays off the dermal layers-minerals not chemicals
We use zinc oxide/titanium dioxide which is recognized by the FDA to be Generally Recognized as Safe+Effective(GRASE).

AWESOME RECIPE! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. AND congratulations to
Dr. Brian and wife for the birth of a baby son.