Back in Balance Asheville Chiropractor

Back In Balance

Episode #34 Love Your Libido & More! An Interview with David Lamond MD from Blue Sky MD

  We had the pleasure of talking to Dr. David LaMond of Blue Sky MD Health about all things libido, hormone health, and more!! Join us to learn how to create a positive change in your life. Learn about your unique medical composition, how your lifestyle may cause wellness challenges, and how you can make

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The Union of Intelligence and Matter

The Union of Intelligence and Matter Welcome back to week 3! Today we will be discussing the third principle of chiropractic, The Union of Intelligence and Matter. Within ALL living things exists both Intelligence and matter. Without physical matter, nothing would exist, because atoms are the building blocks of everything! Intelligence organizes these atoms into

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The Chiropractic Meaning of Life

WELCOME BACK to The Principles of Chiropractic, EPISODE 2!  Today, we are going to discuss the CHIROPRACTIC MEANING OF LIFE! Last week, we discussed Universal Intelligence (watch it HERE) The expression this Intelligence through matter is the chiropractic meaning of life. In other words, all matter, or “things”, are comprised of energy: atoms, vibrating at

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Podcast #33 Breaking the Cycle of Stress – Interview with Hypnotherapist Daniel Maresca

  For audio only listen HERE  Breaking The Cycle of Stress: Empowering Your Full Expression   Feelings of overwhelm, anxiousness and stress is stopping you from reaching your goals. Our guest Daniel Maresca, CCHt has a secret about this that we think you’ll want to hear… Its not the REAL you that is feeling overwhelmed,

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Podcast #32 Chiropractic & Pregnancy – 3 Way Chiropractic Can Benefit Pregnancy

A growing belly is something to cherish during pregnancy, but that growing belly can throw things out of balance. These changes can pose challenges for both mom and baby… In this episode we are going to be discussing all things PREGNANCY and CHIROPRACTIC CARE! There are so many ways in which adjustments can help with

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Podcast #31 TMJ Solutions & More – Interview with dentist Dr. Kelly V

Where chiropractic care and dental care meet! Join us for an interview with Zoe Dental’s Dr. Kelly Van Wagenen! We will be discussing -assessing and determining the root cause of TMJ -treatment routes including dental restorations, orthodontics, a custom night-guards , referral to oral surgeon, physical therapist, or chiropractor -oral appliances for sleep apnea and

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